Friday, April 18, 2008

The Swedish Companies Act 2005 in English translation

As far as I know there is still no translation into English of the
Swedish Companies Act 2005 available on the net free of charge.

It is available in an electronic version to subscribers of Swedish Commercial Legislation, which is a part of the Norstedts Juridik Zeteo services.

It is also available in printed form as follows:

as part of the Swedish Commercial Legislation loose leaf publication
Norstedts Juridik & Translegal Sweden, 2007
ISBN 978-91-39-01319-8

as a separate book The Swedish Companies Act 2005 in translation
Aktiebolagslagen (2005:551) i engelsk översättning.
Norstedts Juridik & Translegal Language Services, 2006
Offprint from Swedish Commercial Legislation, Suppl. 20 April 2006
ISBN 91-39-01170-4

Contact details for Norstedts Juridik

Customer Service
SE-106 47 Stockholm
Tel+46 8-690 91 00


Anonymous said...

I am based in the US and would like to acquire The Swedish Companies Act of 2005 in English translation. What do you recommend?

KBz said...

As far as I know there is only one translation made and that is the one I mentioned in my post.

You will find further information and may order the book here: